Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Lemon Drizzle

I've just realised that I haven't given you the details of how to make the lemon drizzle topping for the Baker's Dozen cakes I made.  They were made with my Victoria Sandwich recipe, but flavoured with natural lemon rather than vanilla.

Whilst your cake is in the oven measure out 90 grams of granulated sugar and 4 tablespoons of bottled lemon juice, but don't mix them yet.  Yes shock horror I did say bottled lemon juice!  Unless you always have a fridge full of lemons just in case you want to make lemon drizzle, it is much more practical to use the bottled stuff.   The little Jif lemons are OK but expensive, look for the supermarket own brand bottles or unfamiliar brands in the continental food section.

As soon as you take your cake out of the oven stab it all over with a cocktail stick or skewer (if your skewer is metal be careful not to damage yoiur tin!)  Quickly but thoroughly mix your sugar and lemon and gently pour it over your cake, it usually works best to pour it in the middle and let it gently flow to the edge of the cake, filling in any bare patches you see.  It doesn't have to be perfect.  If you think there is too much syrup you don't have to use it all.  We are aiming to get a crunchy sugary crust and the juice soaked into the cake.  If you don't use a paper cake tin liner it can get a bit messy.  Allow the cake to cool for a few minutes, then use the paper liner to carefully lift the cake out onto a rack to cool completely.

 If you want to decorate you cake with jelly slices or rice paper flowers like the one in my picture then quckly press them onto the top of the cake as soon you have poured on the the drizzle.

Karen Lizzie